Cécile Mansuy, Organ and Harpsichord

Series Chromart Classics
When the name Bach is mentioned, most people think of the Brandenburg Concertos, the
Christmas Oratorio or the Passions; perhaps one remembers individual pieces from the
collection of Inventions or the Well-Tempered Clavier that were not so easy at piano
lessons. All these famous cycles are works from the composer's mature years. But what
were his beginnings like, his early steps of the way to mastery? The programme of this CD
sheds light on some of these early pieces. They make it clear that Johann Sebastian Bach,
already in his early years, gave evidence of an enormous creative potential. They are no
less exciting for this reason, in our opinion; on the contrary, they offer us an opportunity
to make comparisons with better-known, later works and to formulate thoughts about
the paths and means of one of the great masters of our art.
The decision to begin the programme of this CD with organ music and to continue accompanying the interpreter on the harpsichord during the second part makes it possible for the listener to settle in to the pieces — the music is first revealed in the large acoustics of
the church and then in the closeness and intimacy of the harpsichord.
»Interpretation, Sound, Repertoire: very good!«
klassik.com (online 18 July 2014)
»A substantial addition to the Bach discography.«
CD Review & Recommendation - Musicweb International (online 14 July 2014)
»CD Recommendation - Radio France - francemusique.fr«
francemusique.fr (06/2014)
»Klassik Heute Recommendation! CD of the Week. Maximum Score: Artistic Quality, Sound Quality and General Impression.«
klassik-heute.de (16 May 2014)
»CD Recommendation - radio suisse romande - rts.ch«
rts.ch (04/2014)
»[...] wie diese interessante und schöne CD der jungen französischen Cembalistin und Organistin Cécile Mansuy zeigt. Vor allem hatte der junge Bach etwas, was sich nicht lernen lässt, aber am Ende wichtiger ist als die Beherrschung sämtlicher Kompositionskünste: atemberaubendes Temperament und überschäumende Lust am Spiel. [...]
Auf diese Weise steckt Cécile Mansuys CD voller Entdeckungen von Stücken und Zusammenhängen.«
rbb kulturradio (28 March 2014)
»CD Tip!«
frankenpost.de (06 March 2014)
CD programme (Tracklist):
Capriccio sopra il genio del Bach giovanissimo
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
01-03 Fantasie G-Dur I-III (BWV 571)
04-08 Sonata D-Dur I-V (BWV 963)
09 «Das alte Jahr vergangen ist» (BWV 1091)
10 «Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott» (BWV 721)
11 «Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn» (BWV Anh. 55)
12 «Wir Christenleut» (BWV 1090)
13 Toccata d-Moll (BWV 913)
14-19 Capriccio sopra la lontananza del fratello
dilettissimo (992)
20 Fuga e-Moll (BWV 945)
21-30 Partite diverse sopra il Corale
Organ (1-13), Harpsichord (14-30)
CD Album: World Premiere Recording and First Release!
Keywords: Tags Johann Sebastian Bach Cécile Mansuy new CD
2014 Capriccio sopra il genio del Bach giovanissimo Works Organ Harpsichord World Premiere Recording
Order No. TXA 14038 TYXart LC Labelcode 28001
» Detailed CD booklet includes further info (bios, photos, etc.)
» Total playing time: 67min 56sec | Booklet Text: DE, EN, FR, IT, JP
» Format: 1 Audio-CD | "Chromart Classics" | Release: from 03/2014
» Order No.: TXA14038 | GTIN (EAN): 4250702800385 | (p)+(c)2014
» CD available commercially or directly via TYXart
Further information: