Misaki Kobayashi, soprano
Matthias Veit, piano

"Songs from Japan and Europe" - a relationship in music
心の姉妹 - 日本とヨーロッパからの贈り物
ソプラノ 小林美咲 - ピアノ マティアス・ファイト
This album combines Japanese and European art songs – two seemingly distant cultural spheres revealing often impressive affinities, whereby in the direct comparison the respective characteristic profiles of the Western and Far Eastern style traditions are certainly preserved, perhaps even more apparent.
Although the Japanese art song initially takes up the classical-romantic models of Central Europe, it quickly becomes clear what special and original musical creations Japanese composers have subsequently produced. Despite all the language barriers, they have long since become part of the history of art song, and it is long overdue to bring them closer to a larger international audience. At the same time, their immediately appealing characteristics and tonal beauty shed new light on the songs we are better acquainted with, from Mozart to Schubert and the Romantics to Wolf, Debussy and Sibelius. Always appearing in “pairs”, a German, French or other European song and a Japanese song tell their story under a shared atmospheric tent, which links them together in sometimes discreetly mysterious, sometimes obvious, even sometimes surprising ways.
All in all, a musical round dance is created through the highs and lows of human emotions and experiences – and regardless of the permanent back and forth between East and West, an invisible bond leads us to the brilliant rising of the Far Eastern sun in the last song of “A magnificent morning” by Yoshinao Nakada.
[Further english and japanese info text about the album concept & composers: see booklet inside!]
Video clip ~~~ "Making of" studio live recording ... of this new album ~~~ Release from April 04, 2025!
Free audio samples of this new album coming soon!
CD programme / Tracklist:
"Songs from Japan and Europe"
a relationship in music
01 1-2 R. Taki: Flowers 瀧廉太郎: 花/L.v. Beethoven: Ich liebe dich
02 3-4 A. Nakada: An ode to spring 中田章: 早春賦/W.A. Mozart: Sehnsucht nach dem Frühlinge
03 5-6 F. Schubert: Der Schmetterling/K. Yamada: Waiting in vain 山田耕筰: 待ちぼうけ
04 7-8 Y. Nakada: Little Wind 中田喜直: 風の子供/A.v. Zemlinsky: Blaues Sternlein
05 9-10 G. Fauré: Les Berceaux/Y. Nakada: Cherryblossoms Lane 中田喜直: さくら横ちょう
06 11-12 S. Bekku: Cherryblossoms Lane 別宮貞雄: さくら横ちょう/R. Franz: Gute Nacht
07 13-14 J. Sibelius: Se’n har jag ej frågat mera/K. Yamada: The bell rings 山田耕筰: 鐘が鳴ります
08 15-16 S. Takata: The horsefly flies 髙田三郎: 虻は飛ぶ/E. Grieg: Die verschwiegene Nachtigall
09 17-18 S. Osamu: Temple in springtime 清水脩: 春の寺/H. Wolf: Frühling übers Jahr
10 19-20 Y. Nakada: Tanki ponki 中田喜直: たあんき ぽーんき/F. Poulenc: Quelle aventure
11 21-22 K. Hirai: Mount Nara 平井康三郎: 平城山/M. de Falla: Asturiana
12 23-24 I. Dan: Cicadas 團伊玖磨: ひぐらし/C. Debussy: Green
13 25-26 M. Ravel: Chanson des Cueilleuses de lentisques/K. Yamada: The red dragonfly 山田耕筰: 赤とんぼ
14 27-28 Y. Nakada: Good night 中田喜直: おやすみなさい/R. Strauss: Ständchen
15 29-30 K. Yamada: Song of Matsushima 山田耕筰: 松島音頭/G. Mahler: Ich atmet' einen linden Duft
16 31-32 T. Takemitsu: Small Sky 武満徹: 小さな空/J. Brahms: Da unten im Tale
17 33-34 R. Schumann: Zum Schluss/Y. Nakada: A magnificent morning 中田喜直: はなやぐ朝
18 35 F. Mendelssohn: Auf Flügeln des Gesanges & T. Narita: Song of the Seashore 成田為三: 浜辺の歌
24 Bit / 96 kHz Audiophile Recording | HD-Mastering for CD
CD Album: Digipak, Booklet 24 pages, multi-lingual
» Detailed CD booklet includes further info (bios, photos, etc.)
» Total playing time: ca. 78 min. | Booklet Text: DE, EN, JP
» Format: 1 Audio-CD | Series "Classics" | Release int'l: ~04/2025
» Order No.: TXA22174 | GTIN (EAN): 4250702801740 | © 2025
» CD available commercially or directly via TYXart
Further information:
Misaki Kobayashi
Matthias Veit
Further CDs with Matthias Veit:
Micromania - 85 Piano Miniatures
Franz Grundheber: Songs of Travel
Francis Poulenc - Et vogue la galère - Mélodies
NOTTURNO - Music of Lights and Shadows